The Future Is Now:
Closed Loop Oxygen Control for High Velocity Therapy



Live on January 20th 2021: 1300 - 1400 CET

Vapotherm high velocity therapy has proven to be a safe and effective tool for non-invasive respiratory support of patients in type I & type II respiratory distress. It is comfortable for the patient, easy to set up and titrate for the clinician but still as effective as NIPPV for undifferentiated respiratory distress.

Keeping patients within a pre-determined SpO2 target range has been shown to reduce mortality and morbidity in different patient populations. To accomplish this prescribed targeting is a time consuming challenge for clinicians. The Oxygen Assist Module is designed to target a clinician set SpO2 and increase the time a patient spends in his prescribed target range. This does not only promise clinical benefits for the patient, this also liberates valuable nursing time and may positively impact noise and workflow in the care area.


  • What is closed loop oxygen control?
  • Clinical benefits of tight SPO2 management.
  • Workflow implications of closed loop oxygen control.
  • The Oxygen Assist Module - Features & Settings.
  • Q&A.

Our Speaker - Ron Fantl

Ron FantlRon is the international senior medical education manager for Vapotherm. After 7 years at the University Heidelberg medical school he worked for 20 years as a ICU practitioner and Respiratory Therapist.

In his last role he was in charge of the Respiratory Department of University Heidelberg with exposure to all respiratory disease and support types such as ECMO, MV, Weaning, NiPPV including HFNC and HVNI.